Pop S/S 2010 | Devon Aoki by Sean & Seng

Joanna Elizabeth


Published February 10, 2010

Pop magazine pays homage to British artist, Allen Jones, in their most recent issue with a story by Sean & Seng. Styled by Tamara Rothstein, Allen Jones: Wearable Art, stars Devon Aoki wearing skin-tight body suits from Jones’ portfolio of artwork.

source | fearless123 @ tfs

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33 thoughts on “Pop S/S 2010 | Devon Aoki by Sean & Seng”

  1. The photos and the art of Allen Jones represent a fetish called forniphilia, an arm of BDSM.

    Inspired by your photos, I wrote about the topic this morning: 'Forniphilia | Women As Doormats and Other Art Furniture' http://bit.ly/cB9Sa8

    Fashion is never dull and more relevant than we believe. Love your blog.

  2. The photos and the art of Allen Jones represent a fetish called forniphilia, an arm of BDSM.

    Inspired by your photos, I wrote about the topic this morning: 'Forniphilia | Women As Doormats and Other Art Furniture' http://bit.ly/cB9Sa8

    Fashion is never dull and more relevant than we believe. Love your blog.

  3. This is so amazing it honestly looks like from another time. When something is so great it looks like it's from an era that is totally non existent & this is happening in these pictures.

  4. This is so amazing it honestly looks like from another time. When something is so great it looks like it's from an era that is totally non existent & this is happening in these pictures.

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